Carlshead Pizza - my riff on our beloved keto-friendly Fat Head Pizza

If you've been following a low-carb or ketogenic diet you may already know about Fat Head Pizza. This is a low-carb, gluten-free pizza crust made popular by the movie Fat Head that has taken the keto world by storm. This is my tweak of the recipe, which I particularly love.
First, let me say that there's nothing at all wrong with the original recipe. I've just found a way to (I think) improve it a little bit.
The main tweak is to omit the egg. Why? Well, I was making it one day, and got to the step where you are supposed to add the egg, and it seemed like the "dough" was already perfect. Adding the egg added extra moisture, but I wanted a crispier crust. Turns out, that's exactly what it did. The crust was really crispy, but I had to watch more carefully so as not to overcook it. Too much heat and this crust turns into bone-dry crackers.
There are other mods, though. I now use almond FLOUR instead of almond MEAL. Meal is more course and includes the brown almond skins. That's fine, I suppose, but the flour makes a better crust in my opinion.
Also, rather than baking the crust on a cold cookie sheet, I use a pizza stone that's already hot. That gives the bottom a nice pizzaria style crust. I also brush a little olive oil on the bottom when I cook the toppings.
So, nuff said! Here's the modified recipe:
- 1.5 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
- 2 tbsp cream cheese
- 3/4 cup almond flour
- garlic salt
- pizza stone or pre-heated cookie sheet
- parchment paper
- rolling pin
Place pizza stone or cookie sheet on the middle rack of your oven and preheat to 500 degrees.
Place mozz and cream cheese in a microwave-safe bowl and cook on high for 15 seconds.
Remove, stir with a fork until blended.
If you see water, it's ruined. Throw it away and start over.
If not yet soft and blended, put back in microwave for another 15 seconds.
Repeat until melted just enough so it sticks together.
Add almond flour and stir well until completely incorporated
Allow to cool for a minute until you can work it with your hands
Pick up the dough, kneed it for 60 seconds, and shape into a round ball with your hands
Place on a piece of parchment paper, and flatten down to an inch thick
Place another piece of parchment on top and roll with rolling pin until 12" in diameter. Experiment with sizes and thicknesses. Too thin and it might turn into a cracker crust.
Remove top parchment and set aside
Sprinkle the top with garlic salt and place (including bottom parchment) directly onto the pizza stone or cookie sheet
Bake under watchful eye for 2-4 minutes or until edges get brown
Remove from oven by holding the parchment at the edges
Pierce bubbles with a fork or knife
Flip over onto second piece of parchment
Brush top (which should be golden brown) with olive oil
Add pre-cooked toppings, cheese, herbs, etc.
Place back in oven for another 5-8 minutes or until toppings have cooked and/or cheese melted
Remove and enjoy